Plug & Produce – Electric Drive 4.0 Demonstrator

Interoperability between different manufacturers in one system demonstrated by means of Asset Administration Shell and uniform sub-models.

Interoperable systems

With the Asset Administration Shell, drives become an Industry 4.0 component

Electric drives are the core components in industrial production. In order to implement the digital twin of electric drives as Industry 4.0 components, a uniform, manufacturer-independent data provision plays a special role in the management shell.

The Drive 4.0 demonstrator shows the interaction of drives from eight different manufacturers and their management shells and drives the further development of submodels. Furthermore, the installation shows how Industry 4.0 drives provide additional functions in a standardised and thus uniform manner, for example an oscilloscope for power and efficiency analysis.

Benefit of the Asset Administration Shell

  • Increased efficiency through Plug & Produce
  • Flexibility through interoperability
  • Simple configuration through standardized add-on functions

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Collaboration Dashboard

Actively involved organizations

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Used Submodels

Used Submodels

Status: Concept phase

Status: Concept phase

WG meetings

WG meetings

Industrial Digital Twin Association

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Industrial Digital Twin Association

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