Demonstrator Open Industrie 4.0 Sensor – Interoperable and transparent information
The demonstrator shows the interoperable application of sensors from different manufacturers. A uniform exchange of information over the entire life cycle is ensured by using a submodel.

Uniform data structures and interoperable systems
Sensor data as the basis for digitization
Industrial sensors based on different operating principles are offered by a large number of manufacturers for the electrical detection of physical quantities. However, the provision of machine-readable information on the sensors is neither standardized in form nor content. The Asset Administration Shell provides all relevant data of sensors over the entire life cycle in standardized formats in a machine-readable way. In a submodel, the data of different sensor types and manufacturers were standardized. The Asset Administration Shell is thus the comprehensive source of information for further processing electronic systems in all use cases and therefore the basis for digitization.

Benefit of the Asset Administration Shell
- Uniform data structure
- Interoperability
- Covering the entire life cycle
Collaboration Dashboard
Actively involved organizations
Used Submodels
Status: Concept phase

WG meetings

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