Orchestration of services
Flexible connection of individual services for a defined purpose
Note: This can be done during the planning phase and/or at runtime.
- ISO/IEC 18348-1
- Barros, Alistair, Marlon Dumas, and Phillipa Oaks. “Standards for web service choreography and orchestration: Status and perspectives.” Business process management workshops. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
- Abschlussbericht des Arbeitskreises Industrie 4.0 vom April 2013, S. 84-7
- https://weblogs.java.net/blog/johnreynolds/archive/2006/01/service_orchest.html
- http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dienstekomposition
- Usländer, T.: Service-oriented Design of Environmental Information Systems. KIT Scientific Publishing. ISBN 978-3-86644-499-7, http://digbib.ubka.uni-karlsruhe.de/volltexte/1000016721, Dissertation am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2010
- Nicolai Josuttis: SOA in der Praxis. 2008, S. 121