Cyber physical system
System which links real (physical) objects and processes with information-processing (virtual) objects and processes via open, in some cases global, and constantly interconnected information networks
Note: A CPS optionally uses services available locally or remotely, has human-machine interfaces, and offers the possibility of dynamic adaptation of the system at runtime.
- VDI/VDE GMA Thesen und Handlungsfelder – Cyber-Physical Systems: Chancen und Nutzen aus Sicht der Automation, April 2013
- „Integrierte Forschungsagenda Cyber-Physical Systems“, Acatech 2012;
- Hightech-Strategie der Bundesregierung „Zukunftsbild Industrie 4.0“
- Broy 2010, Cyber-Physical Systems – Wissenschaftliche Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung
- Rainer Drath: Industrie 4.0 – Cyber Physical Production Systems. The next industrial revolution? Keynote at ETFA 2013, Cagliary, Italy, 2013.
- Abschlussbericht des Arbeitskreises Industrie 4.0 vom April 2013, S. 84-7