December 7th, 2021: ZVEI management circle for the Industry 4.0 conference
The ZVEI Leadership Circle Industry 4.0 Conference aims at manufacturers. It also focuses on users of automation technology as well as representatives of the press.
The conference aims to give participants an understanding of digitisation. From the shop floor to the cloud cross the entire value chain: The goal is to provide concrete tips and offers for implementation.
On the agenda are, for instance:
– Outlook on the topics of the 6th Leadership Circle Industry 4.0 Conference (Prof. Dr. Dieter Wegener; Speaker Leadership Circle I 4.0)
– Digital nameplate, digital product passport (Prof. Dr. Dieter Wegener; speaker of the Leadership Circle I 4.0)
– ZVEI show case “Control cabinet with product carbon footprint”, first results from the work items (Dr. Stefan Schork; ZVEI Automation Association)
– Industrial Digital Twin Association (Dr. Matthias Bölke; IDTA, Schneider Electric)
– Outlook on standardisation: Overview of IDTA sub-models (Dr. Michael Hoffmeister; Festo)
– Outlook on the research project “Reallabor Antrieb 4.0” (Martin Hankel; Bosch Rexroth)
– AAS partial model for drive design (Bernd Vojanec; Wittenstein SE)
– Digital nameplate – the new generation of product data, implementation of the digital nameplate on the basis of Asset Administration Shells (Roland Dunker; R. Stahl Schaltgeräte)
– Demonstration of AAS Security with decentralised identities (Andreas Orzelski; Phoenix Contact)
Further information and registration can be found on the website of ZVEI e.V.: https://www.zvei.org/presse-medien/termine/zvei-fuehrungskreis-industrie-40-konferenz-1